Bollywood icon Aamir Khan has shared his future plans as he contemplates the ultimate part of his illustrious profession. Throughout a latest interplay with Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud, after a particular screening of Laapataa Women for Supreme Court docket judges, Aamir revealed his intention to shift focus from performing to producing movies. Laapataa Women, directed by Kiran Rao, relies on gender equality and tells the story of two brides who’re mistakenly exchanged throughout a practice journey.
Aamir, reflecting on the impression of the Covid-19 lockdown, acknowledged, “I spotted that is the final leg of my profession, and I needed to offer again. I believed I might do one movie a yr, however as a producer, I can again a number of tales that I really feel strongly about.” At 56, Aamir hopes to make a significant contribution by producing 4 to 5 movies yearly, providing a platform to new writers, administrators, and creatives.
With Laapataa Women marking the start of this new chapter, Aamir’s future tasks promise to deliver extra compelling tales to the massive display screen, persevering with his legacy in a unique function.
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