Suriya, the favored Tamil actor, has confirmed that his much-awaited movie Kanguva has been postponed to keep away from a field workplace conflict with celebrity Rajinikanth’s upcoming film Vettaiyan. The choice, which Suriya described as a strategic transfer, has been made to make sure each movies have their very own area to succeed with out overshadowing one another.
Not too long ago, Suriya defined, “We determined to push the discharge date of Kanguva to keep away from competing with Rajini sir’s ‘Vettaiyan.’ It’s essential for each movies to do nicely, and I’ve nice respect for Rajini sir.” This announcement has been obtained positively by followers who recognize the considerate consideration behind the choice.
Kanguva, which has been producing loads of buzz, will now have a brand new launch date, which Suriya guarantees might be introduced quickly. The actor is assured that this transfer will profit each tasks and permit followers to get pleasure from every movie totally. As anticipation builds for each films, Suriya’s choice showcases the camaraderie and respect inside the Tamil movie business.